select d.name as tname, 字段名 = a.name, 类型 = b.name, 长度 = columnproperty(a.id, a.name, "PRECISION"), 小数位数 = isnull(columnproperty(a.id, a.name, "Scale"),0), 允许空 = case when a.isnullable = 1 then "√" else "" end, 默认值 = isnull(e.text, ""), 字段说明 = isnull(g.[value], "") from syscolumns a left join systypes b on a.xtype = b.xusertype inner join sysobjects d on a.id = d.id and d.xtype = "U" and d.name <> "dtproperties" left join syscomments e on a.cdefault = e.id left join sysproperties g on a.id = g.id and a.colid = g.smallid order by a.id, a.colorder
select d.name as tname, 字段名 = a.name, 类型 = b.name, 长度 = columnproperty(a.id, a.name, "PRECISION"), 小数位数 = isnull(columnproperty(a.id, a.name, "Scale"),0), 允许空 = case when a.isnullable = 1 then "√" else "" end, 默认值 = isnull(e.text, ""), 字段说明 = isnull(g.[value], "") from syscolumns a left join systypes b on a.xtype = b.xusertype inner join sysobjects d on a.id = d.id and d.xtype = "U" and d.name <> "dtproperties" left join syscomments e on a.cdefault = e.id left join sys.extended_properties g on a.id = g.major_id and a.colid = g.minor_id order by a.id, a.colorder
select a.table_name as tname, a.column_name as 字段名, a.data_type as 类型, a.data_length as 长度, case when a.data_scale = null then 0 else a.data_scale end as 小数位数, case when a.nullable = "Y" then "√" else "" end as 允许空, a.data_default as 默认值, case when b.comments = null then "" else b.comments end as 字段说明 from user_tab_columns A left join user_col_comments B on A.table_name = B.table_name and A.column_name = B.column_name order by column_id
select a.table_name as tname, a.column_name as 字段名, a.data_type as 类型, a.character_maximum_length as 长度, a.numeric_scale as 小数位数, case when a.is_nullable = "YES" then "√" else "" end as 允许空, a.column_default as 默认值, column_comment as 字段说明 from information_schema.columns A order by ordinal_position
select d.name as tname, a.name as 字段名, a.TYPE as 类型, a.LENGTH as 长度, a.SCALE as 小数位数, case when a.NULLABLE = "Y" then "√" else "" end as 允许空, isnull(a.DEFVAL, "") as 默认值, isnull(a.resvd5, "") as 字段说明 from SYSDBA.SYSCOLUMNS a inner join SYSDBA.SYSTABLES d on a.id = d.id and d.type = "U" order by a.id, a.colid
select a.table_name as tname, a.column_name as 字段名, a.data_type as 类型, a.data_length as 长度, case when a.data_scale = null then 0 else a.data_scale end as 小数位数, case when a.nullable = "Y" then "√" else "" end as 允许空, a.data_default as 默认值, case when b.comments = null then "" else b.comments end as 字段说明 from user_tab_columns A left join user_col_comments B on A.table_name = B.table_name and A.column_name = B.column_name order by column_id
select a.table_name as tname, a.column_name as 字段名, a.data_type as 类型, a.data_length as 长度, case when a.data_scale = null then 0 else a.data_scale end as 小数位数, case when a.nullable = "Y" then "√" else "" end as 允许空, a.data_default as 默认值, "" as 字段说明 --相关的字段说明没有找到怎么获取 from user_tab_columns A order by column_id