

WWD FASHION LAB 时尚文化馆,一个集艺术、文化、美学、想象力光影交织的线下空间,以立体化内容为全球品牌、先锋艺术家、可持续设计师打造创意摇篮和精神家园。2023 年 1 月 6 日-2月6日,WWD 携手荣耀在这一空间开启新春首展——“科技美学和想象的形式”。



The idea of Pink Circle is to create a surrealist landscape that allows us to escape from the stressful reality in which we live. The rocky arch inspiration came from the Arches National Park in the United States.


White represents the infinite possibility that we can create on a white background or a blank space. The round portal-like shape also represents the ever-continuing journey of life and the person who wants to cross the portal is displaying the courage to explore into a brand new world.

FATA 是前往未知宇宙的探索者,以高科技的形态呈现在世人面前,其表面覆高随着环境变化的数字材料,以适应不同生态环境的需求。FATA 每次出发都会抵达不同的世界,获得全新的发现。如同 HONOR,面对未知与挑战,始终保持最佳状态,砥砺前行,开拓创新。

FATA is an explorer to the unknown universe. Presented to the world in a high-tech form, its surface is covered with digital materials that change with the environment to adapt to the needs of different ecological environments. Each time FATA travels, it lands in a different world and makes new discoveries. Just like HONOR, facing the unknown and challenges, we always keep the best state, forge ahead and innovate.

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